
All the LOVE, all in one place!


Cameron Minch

If you are feeling called (it piques your interest) to do this course, trust that feeling and try it! I've grown so much in 8 short weeks, and my life has completely shifted with the work we did and the things I learned! Jump in, be open minded, and start to explore the depths of your mind and soul as you build a stronger connection with your higher self. 11/10 would experience this for the first time again!

Arielle Morton

I am so grateful I took this course. Brittany is such a great teacher. I was provided with valuable information and I learned how to tap into my intuition which is not something I would have ever known how to do without this course. The course has provided me with more self confidence and I am so excited to continue to grow, with Brittany as my teacher.

Mylin Ackermen

Where to begin... I am endlessly grateful. Between all the tugs, pulls and distractions upon arrival in this container; being super indecisive, continuously denying my intuition to say yes to myself and upgrade into a whole new me. I recognized that this back and forth questioning and energy of my highest power, was an important peace of the procedure, to bring everything forward, all the compartments, all inclusive..deep dive into a flowering opportunity, this course was and is. The second guessing noise/not trusting my intuition, was the CLEAR KNOWING that this was a FULL YES to take this quantum leap. A way to truly cultivate and master my own alchemy. My own intelligence, sourcing from my own source; from my guides, from my angels, from my internal muscle of clarity; my intuition. Walking the path of least resistance, I feel this granted me access to see in oversight. I am so blessed to have trusted, through in through, with the guidance of Brittany's biofeedback and reflection before stepping deep into these waters of clarity, she held me and supported me in every way, wholesomely. I felt seen, in all of me, by her and all the other ladies that showed up for themselves and humanity, I felt heard, I felt encouraged, I felt exactly where I needed to be. To really step into a new way of being and seeing, with trust, this is the most important muscle to build, strengthen, and tone. I received some real potent information and confirmations in my own time, in between sessions/classes, I witnessed myself, by myself, upgrade in ways I never thought I could access as rapidly as I was moving. I recommend this for any one that feels the pull yet that also feels resistant, and I also recommend this for anyone that is ready to show up fully for themselves, and do the work to trust in the path they walk. Brittany is one precious, holy, EMPOWERING wombyn, teacher, sister and friend.. she honors boundaries so big, so bold, with compassion for all that she embodies and emanates in her line of sight and services. She really encompasses compassion and focus. I received so much medicine that will stretch out over space-time continuum. Thank you Brittany, for all that you are, all that you speak, all that you breath, all that you devote to, I SUPER honor you... one of my greatest teachers and mentors, easy. Many blessings reconciled and will continue to reveal, in sweet, gentle timing. I love this class and I love Brittany beyond words. Aho.... 

Meghan Longhi

Wanting to take the intuition course was a long time in the making. I had taken a free class of Brittany’s where she gave a taste of what we would learn. Not having the funds to take the course at the time, it sort of fell off my radar. Then having signed up for a different offering, I was in my portal and the class was there (it was an error). I was putting together a spiritual business and wanted to eventually offer readings so when I notified Brittany of the error she told me that a new round was coming up shortly, and that it would be really helpful in my journey. It turned out that things aligned perfectly to take the course right at the time I needed it. It has been one of the best investments into myself that I could have ever imagined. Even if I wasn’t planning on offering readings, this course has so much value and helps you really dive deep and understand the many layers of intuition, that it’s totally worth it just to do something special for your own growth. Working with Brittany is like working with a supportive friend who wants nothing but good things and will help teach and guide you patiently until you get it! I will never stop raving about any and all of the offerings of hers that I’ve been privileged to have participated in, and am so excited for the next one! If you are looking for a sign that this course is for you - this is it! I promise that you will love it!

Brittany Joanne

Wowowow! I honestly did NOT want to be done with this course / group! Brittany was everything I thought she would be and more. She's funny, gentle, compassionate, open minded and HIGHLY tapped into her intuitive nature. She sets the space for EVERYONE to begin feeling confident in their gifts from the first class.. sharing the knowing that we all have this existing within us and it's just about listening to it and TRUSTING IT! This class has really shifted the way I feel about the knowings I receive and how to trust myself. I loved every class.. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to dive a bit deeper and begin understanding more about their gifts!

Trayce Bergeron

If you ever have wanted to trust your gut but you don’t trust yourself, then this is the course for you. I wanted to be able to trust that the decisions I was making in my life were the right ones. I never trusted my gut or my first thought. I would overthink it or rationalize into a different thought. This course allows you to know what that gut feeling really is and that you can trust it if you are attuned. You get attuned in the course. I promise you won’t walk out saying “oh, I wish I wouldn’t have done this.” You walk out feeling more aligned and confident that you are on the right path.

Alyssa Barlow

This course has truly changed my life! Upon taking this class, I wanted to develop my intuition because I felt I was doing myself a disservice by not! I listened to the pull and I'm so glad I did. I have gotten promoted since this course, had the most transformative 8 weeks of my life and learned SO much more than just developing my intuition. I just learned through this course so many ways to help me on my spiritual path. For example, maintain my energy which is a huge thing for me! Overall, this class has catapulted my growth to extremes I wasn't even sure I was able to handle. With developing my intuition, I've learned I'm able to handle this and so much more than I ever thought. Through the power of my power. Thank you, Brittany!

I'm so ready!

Let's get this journey startedĀ 

I'm Ready